New Lawn Establishment:

Site Preparation: When seeding a new lawn, begin by removing any rocks or debris from the site. If weeds are a problem, spray glyphosate (Roundup) at the recommended rate. Wait one week for the chemical to fully take effect. Till the top 4 – 6 inches of soil. If there is not at least 6 inches of black topsoil, add additional compost or top soil and till the site again. Rake or roll the site to firm up the seedbed. Your foot should not sink in deeper than 1 inch when walked on.

Planting: Lawns should be planted in the spring (April – early June), the fall (late August – early September), or dormant seeded (November – ground freeze). Use a broadcast or drop type spreader for planting. Make two seeding passes in opposite directions for even seed distribution. Apply fertilizer at the manufacturer’s recommended rate and then lightly roll or rake the site to establish good seed to soil contact.

Maintenance: For the first three weeks, irrigate the site often to keep the soil continuously moist. Once the lawn is established, it can be watered less frequently but in greater amounts. Cut the lawn no shorter than 2 inches in the spring and fall and no shorter than 3 inches during the summer.

Revitalizing an Existing Lawn:

Site Preparation: Lawns can be over-seeded in the spring (April – early June) or the fall (late August – early September). Begin by mowing the existing lawn to a short height and removing the clippings.

Planting: Plant using either a slit seeder set to  ½ inch deep or shallowly aerate the lawn and then use a broadcast seeder. Make two seeding passes in opposite directions for even seed distribution. Apply fertilizer at the manufacturer’s recommend rate and then lightly roll to lawn.

Maintenance: Water regularly 1 – 2 times per week for 4 – 6 weeks.